If headed SOUTH on Route 123A, it’s the first right after Miliken Brook Road.

If headed NORTH on Route 123A, it’s the first left (less than 1/2 mile) after the juction of 123A and Forest Rd.

Look for a homemade sign that says GOWEN FARM RD. (Gowen Farm Rd is NOT in GPS.)
Turn onto Gowen Farm Rd and follow that dirt road almost to the end and turn right onto a dirt road.
Turn left at the pond.
Follow that road up the hill to the end (4-wheel drive recommended if driving to the top of the hill/end; otherwise, we’ll meet you at the bottom)

GPS Coordinates for Gowen Farm Rd: 
43° 10′ 36.7608” N
72° 18′ 20.6280” W

Cold River Granite Map2